Your Age Range
High School
T-Shirt Size
Please indicate your preferences for volunteer roles during the event on Saturday below. We will do our best to place you in one or more of the areas you select.
Event day volunteers must be available the full day!
If you do not have a preference, please choose the option that indicates this so that we know you are flexible!
Three selections are required!
First Preference
I am flexible - assign me where needed
Field-side Scorer
A/V and Media
Field Reset
Team Queuing
Crowd Control (pit & field entry)
Team Load In/Load Out Supervision
I'm only interested in setup and/or tear down
Second Preference
I am flexible - assign me where needed
Field-side Scorer
A/V and Media
Field Reset
Team Queuing
Crowd Control (pit & field entry)
Team Load In/Load Out Supervision
I'm only interested in setup and/or tear down
Third Preference
I am flexible - assign me where needed
Field-side Scorer
A/V and Media
Field Reset
Team Queuing
Crowd Control (pit & field entry)
Team Load In/Load Out Supervision
I'm only interested in setup and/or tear down
Indicate here if you are available during the morning, afternoon, and/or evening on Friday before the event and wish to help with set up. Choose the time window that most closely matches your availability - you can put additional availability notes in the comment box at the bottom of this form if you wish!
Friday volunteers will be assigned to groups and specific setup tasks and given a specific time to arrive on site; you will receive email with this info as the event gets closer.
Friday Setup Availability
I'm available starting in the late afternoon on Friday! (3 PM through to 8 PM)
I'm available starting in the early afternoon on Friday! (1 PM through to 8 PM)
I'm available in the morning though late afternoon on Friday (8 AM through 5 PM)
I'm all in!! Available all day Friday! (8 AM through to 8 PM)
Setup Experience: The last time I set up a FIRST field was.....
I've never set up a FIRST field before
Some year prior to this competition year
I've set up a FIRST field *** THIS YEAR ***
Saturday Tear Down Availability
I'm available directly after the event! (Event End through to 8 PM)
I'm available to help load up the trucks! (8 PM through to aprox. 10 PM)
I'm all in!! Available all evening Saturday! (Event End through aprox. 10 PM)